Friday, February 27, 2009

Oh, one amazing thing happened...

We got hitched!

He proposed back in September, the day before my Birthday, on the London Eye.

We took a stroll on Sunday along the London embankment, with my man all the while checking his watch, on a schedule.

I've always wanted to take a flight on The Eye ever since I saw it erected on my train journey into college back in '99. They took ages to right it, for over a week it rested precariously on a 30 degree angle, so it was a great surprise when he presented me with a ticket.

It was strange to me that Eric wasn't taking more pictures once we were on our way. He also seemed nervous, and I've never known him to be afraid of heights.
At the very top, and surrounded by total strangers, most of whom were on a group tour, Eric got on one knee, whipped out a ring and asked me to be his wife.

After we came back down to ground-level (literally, figuratively etc.) we went for a drink, and headed home.
But the excitement wasn't over. Eric organised a surprise party for me! Good job I said yes, eh?!

So, we got married in Barbados on December 29th. I know, I know, so soon...well, why not? The holiday was already booked, and how often does one find oneself presented with the opportunity to get married in Barbados?

The Andromeda Botanical Gardens, Bathsheba, the wild, north-easterly part of the island, was our venue. It was gorgeous.

My sister made the dress. It too was gorgeous. Everything, was, you've guessed it...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oh, the silence...

Ah, I have not written in some time... It's all to do with the show, and the following it enjoys, and how as a mere player in it, I can mention nothing on it. I'm well, and it's fun, but I need to write about WHERE I am and basically be vague about everything else, lest I attract attention, it would seem.
So, more posts to follow.